Commercial Land Sold
Tontine Street is the artery A260 route which provides easy access to Folkstone Town centre and beyond. Folkestone Harbour is 0.3m from this location. The property is located on the Eastern side of Tontine Street and the immediate area consist of both commercial and residential property.
Cleared site that has been used for car parking for an adjoining car repair shop. The property is sandwiched between a light industrial building and a terrace of houses on the other side. We are of an opinion that the land could have alternative uses subject to gaining the necessary consents. Properties in Tontine Street had an overall average price of £130,000 over the last year. Overall, sold prices in Tontine Street over the last year were 2% down on the previous year and 47% down on the 2005 peak of £244,490. (Rightmove)
Class E of the Town & Country Planning (Use Class) (Amendment) Order 2005.
A copy of the EPC is awaited and shall be made available upon request.
Accommodation Schedule
The property offers the following approximate dimensions:
Frontage approx. 16m (52.5 Ft)
Site Area 282.98 Sq M ( 3,046 sq ft)
Freehold subject to the existing lease.
Lease Terms
Autorite Finishers Ltd & Gerald Sansom are holding over on lease which expired on 2nd March 2013 at a rent of £5,000 per annum. The estimated current rental value is circa £7,500 per annum.
Offers are invited in excess £80,000 for our client’s freehold interest.
The property has not been elected for VAT purposes.
Rateable Value
We are advised by the VOA website that the property has a Rateable Value of, £13,250 however, interested parties should make their own enquiries of the rates payable.
Local Authority
Kent County Council.
Each party to bear its own legal costs.
In accordance with Anti-Money Laundering Regulations, we shall require additional information from the purchaser/tenants so that an online verification can be undertaken.
Tenure: Freehold
No EPC available for this property
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Rights and Restrictions
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Flooded in last 5 years | Ask Agent |
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